“Little Women”

Louisa May Alcott
Date: 15.03.2022
Time: 13.30 PM
Venue: IB Strategy Room (above LRC Silent Area)


Dear Students!

We are delighted to invite you to participate in Book Club discussion facilitated by:

🙋🏻‍♀️ Oftobkhon Akhadjonova - WIUT student

Louisa May Alcott’s novel “Little Women”
I’ll try and be what he loves to call me, “a little woman,” and not be rough and wild; but do my duty here instead of wanting to be somewhere else”

🌟You are welcome to participate even if you have not read the book.
🌟Snacks and hot tea will be provided during the session to make your discussions more engaging.
🌟During the session you will be able to gain prizes from the facilitator.

⏰When: 22 Feb, 13:30
🏛Where: LRC Main Area

The film 🎥 is here (https://t.me/englishmovieswithsubtitles/450)

The book 📖 is here (https://www.gutenberg.org/files/514/514-h/514-h.htm)

More details: lrc.wiut.uz

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YouTube: (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDMqTr5pO01FjnflNwWnTA/videos)

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Reading material files: